Bee, Bee, see?…. News

This wis originally goin’ to be one article.., but my beloved wife, Mrs.P, reckoned there was enough material here for two blogs.
So, to keep us both happy, I’ll publish them separately in 2 parts, but both at the same time. Genius.

I was trawling through the newspapers recently, and I came across an interesting article on neonicotinoids and bees   

The article from the Dundee Courier (25mar17), stated that scientific studies at Stirling University suggested that bees exposed to these pesticides didn’t learn how to buzz. ‘Silence of the Bees’ – could be a horror story…., read on.

Ask yourself, what encapsulates the essence of a summers day more than lying back under a fierce Scottish sun  (20°C/68°F), listening to Nick Drake with a cold bottle of cider in paw, than the intermittent bzzz, bzzz, buzzing of bumble bees bumbling between flower beds? Although at moment Ginger Grizzly is flavour of the month at Chez Bear.


Q: What goes Zzub, zzub ? 

A: A bee flying backwards

More seriously, a consequence of developing this behaviour is a failure to release pollen in some flowers.  I’m no scientist but this doesn’t sound good, as plant pollination is key to life.

Less buzzing = less pollination = less plants = less food, less oxygen, less life…, woah!! Back up a bit…, LESS FOOD?

Oh, and less honey for bears. Def. not good. Actually, this would be an a pollen situation to find ourselves in.

Now, it appears that the European Commission have recognised this problem and drafted a proposal to ban neonicotinoids. This decision was based on a European Food Safety Authority risk assessment, with a vote on the regulations expected after May. (the month, not the PM)

“Yay!”, I hear you shout, “healthy bees, more honey,  it’s as easy as, a Bee, see ?”

But…(& it’s a Kardashian sized butt), Britain is now leaving the EU/EC (Brexit triggering Article 50 invoked last week, Mar29) . Without EU/EC legislation and, given recent UK governmental (& voter) myopia – what protection might UK Bees be given once we’re out of Europe?

I suspect free-market forces will be allowed to dictate policy (ie. lowest cost solution with no thoughts on the future effect of NO BEES !) .

Why do we always appear to discard hard-fought-for principles and safeguards so easily, on a whim. – I’m tempted to get the great eco-ninja Steven Seagal on the case – he’ll sort something out.

Here he is delivering some beehives in the Appallachians > 

I never cease telling Mrs.P, …. “Honey, ..I love you”  (mostly she replies, “oh beehive yersel’”)

Moving across the pond and similar situations are unfolding, where the climate change deniers and the blatant opportunists are working furiously to undo hard-fought legislation protecting wildlife and the environment, because it inconveniences the business of doing business  – I’d like to think that John Muir – who did so much to raise awareness of, and appreciation for, North Americas natural wonders – would, in the manner of Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction, lay his vengeance upon the big-mouthed, small minded Trump and his cronies.….., but because he’s dead, maybe Steven Seagal could do this too… once he’s sorted out our bees.

The US Senate recently (21mar17) passed Resolution H.J. Res. 69  nullifying previous regulations which prohibited certain hunting practices on federal lands (incl. National Parks) in Alaska. Jurisdiction of hunting will be handed to the state of Alaska – which has it’s own legislation (& views) on the ‘sport’ of hunting. Among other previously prohibited tactics soon to be reinstated– catching bears with leg traps (like in cartoons,..but really cruel and really not funny)

Sport should be em,.. challenging Bill Grizzly to a fishing contest on the Kodiak River, or playing Boris Browne-Behr to a game of chess. Sport should be sporting, where both sides have an equal chance of winning. Nature is hard enough, why not just live and let live. It should be about survival of the fittest, not about the circulating of the unnecessary trophy kill selfie of the ‘brave’ weekend woodsman with a semi-automatic rifle on the internet. Why does there’s always have to be somebody out to make a fast buck/killing – (delete as appropriate, but whatever, I think the result’s gonna be a dead deer)

Following Senate approval it only needs Trumple Thickskin to add his customary scrawl to implement this unnecessarily cruel act.

In just 70 days,’the Angry Orange’ has tried to implement various contentious policies…and been  thwarted by various judicial decisions (well done Judges James Robart, Seattle,Wa & Derek Watson in Hawaii) and congressional reactions to his ham-fisted approach to politics on some of the bigger issues.

However, there’s more bad news. Last week (28mar17), he signed The Energy Independence Executive Order reversing the previous administrations rules aimed at curbing climate change, saying this would put an end to the “war on coal” and “job-killing regulations”. Reducing the already slim chances of the US meeting Paris Agreement targets on carbon/CO2 emissions


In Trumptonia, The ‘Environment’ – probably ranks WAY DOWN on the list of important (and mostly negative) presidenty stuff.., and none of it good for polar-bears.

It ranks way below – the scrapping of Obama-care                                                               – barring (selected) muslims entry into the US                                                                        – building a wall to keep out pesky Mexicans                                                                    – tweeting- fake news… about climate-change

But it seems to be above conventional pres. stuff, like diplomacy…

Trump could (possibly) redeem his spectacularly poor status in history by following the example of a previous Republican President  – come in POTUS26, Teddy Roosevelt .

– his Central American policy built the Panama Canal (not a divisive wall)

– his foreign intervention (between warring Japan & Russia) brought him a Nobel Peace prize

– he expanded the US Navy (this policy would’ve created jobs in steel, shipbuilding and the military)

– his legacy in conservation and involvement with natural history created 5 national parks putting 930,000 km2 of land under federal control.

– he was nice to bears. (because of this, most of us bears have a relative called Ted, Ed, Eddy or Edward somewhere in our ancestral trees)

Roosevelt also advised about ‘Speaking Softly and Carrying a Big Stick’. Donald Trump should be made to understand that quiet diplomacy and dialogue are far more effective, acceptable and understandable than his current tendency to open his mouth and let his tummy rumble. 100 decibels of bile-fuelled rant is just loud, hot air and not helpful in the world today.

So far the common theme I’ve grumped about is the relaxation of rules and the likely ecological consequences. Hunting, Mining, Trumping & Bee-ing…

Mention of bees; without Buzz (Lightyear), Toy Story would’ve been a whole different film 


It’s at this point that Mrs.P thinks the blog should be split –

So, go and put the kettle on and make yourself a cup of tea.

I’ll see you for part 2, after this commercial break….

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And now part2: Sequels (or Bee, Bee, see-2, if you like


As I was saying before the break, all this talking of relaxation and films leads me on to the topic of ‘Sequels’. (whad’ya mean contrived?) .

T2, TS2, HS2, Toy Story 2, Home alone 2, Jaws 3, Fast & Furious8 (oh yes it’s coming), Star Wars 17: pre-prequel 4 – the Empire-does-something-interesting-during-lunch

I’m sure (if you’re honest) you’ll agree, mostly, these aren’t as good as the original. We’ve never had Casablanca2, or the Third Man 2 (mmm, would that be the Sixth Man?)

Where was I?,.. oh yes, still reading newspapers and ..pointless sequels. They can be found in print too. I  read in Rachel Clarks ‘Politics’ article (p5) in the PA 14mar17, the Tory MSP, Liz Smith bemoaning IndyRef2, and trotting out the same well-worn party lines and comparing “a return to the polls on independence being about as welcome as a bowl of cold soup”

Mmmm,..cold soup,… perhaps the 2nd most popular MSP in her constituency should consider her words more carefully. Gazpacho is very welcome…and tasty. (tho’ not readily available in most of Perthshire’s finest dining establishments, mind you). I tried it in Milan a while back.

On page 19 of the same issue of PA under the title ‘IndyRef2 is not what is needed’, the same Liz Smith MSP, same politically biased article is repeated..(& more).. so, we get more gazpacho. Nice, but I prefer fish as a 2nd course

Perhaps it is LizSmith2 that’s not needed. (did we need it first time?)

As a sequel, it doesn’t do, or say, anything new.

– we read it already on page 5.

– it’s not as exciting as Terminator2 – Arnie says “I’ll be back”….again   

– or as informative as nature shows on BBC2         

– it’s not as entertaining as Trainspotting2         “oh look, there’s a Deltic

– or as useful as HS2 (available in England only, at huge UK taxpayers expense (est. £80bn)

– OR as desirable as IndyRef2 …, and I’ll be back… voting Yes…again

Second helpings from a 2nd place consolation candidate for a second successive election is consistent and probably parr for the course for a candidate with second-rate ideas. As a sequel, the 2016 result it’s sticking with the original 2011 format.

Timely, as Ms.Sturgeon did (this very week) put the Indyref2 bandwagon back on the starting grid (mmm, there’s a whole bunch of metaphor/similies for you to dissect)

Talking of fish, also in the news this week, North Atlantic Herring are now being listed as unsustainable…, or are they?

Don’t look at me,..or Mrs.P. we didn’t eat all the fish. I blame Duggie Adams  marine mammalian migrants, or the Great’ Seal of the POTUS.

Yes, fish stock conservation is another thing the short-sighted Brexitters didn’t consider.  Without the ‘protection’ of a Common Fishing Policy agreement in might be the Spanish fishermen saying “Hasta luego y gracias por todos los pescados”.  Perhaps we should (& I know this might be non-PC…but, as a polar-bear I’m allowed this in my diet)… and there is a timely porpoise to this rambling…. Anyway, maybe, to celebrate Vera Lynns 100th birthday we should all be allowed to eat ‘whale-meat again’.








“’ me, ah didnae eat the fish,…ahm only licensed for krill”

OK, back to trawling,….what else is in the news….?






















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