The Booky Blues Bear Blog

I’m writing this today (Sunday) with the sound turned down. Mrs.P’s ears are still on too tight after last night in the pub, and she’s a wee bitty em… sensitive to loud noises.
We were in Greyfriars last night for a shandy (or five) listening to a couple of bluesmen for a couple of hours.
Hailing from Kelty (it’s got a Crossroads  by the way) in deepest, darkest Fife – I’ve lived and worked in Fife, so I know deep and dark when I see it. Anyhoo, all I can say is, if you get the chance*, check out Reece Hillis & Kevin Jordan . It’s probably been said, or written before, but for someone so young Reece delivers (no, not deliverance.. that’s ‘muchty you’re thinking of) a mature, and powerful performance. Great voice and guitar work. Ditto Kevin on harmonica (ah knew a Monica once… think she wis Irish).

I love the painful harmonies o’ a moothie like a…rats, Mrs.P won’t let me use my original metaphor (it involved squished kittens and trains). Now she won’t let me say that either. OK, take 3,- it’s a damn good sound.
Mandy, and her mum fae Aberdeen thought he wis great too. I wouldn’t huv been surprised if todays’ Sunday Post reported the mysterious disappearance of a young musician, with Mondays’ Press & Journal reporting he’d turned up in the Fittie bar by the harbour .Hijacking talented blues guitarists is nothing new. Peter Green got waylaid in Munich in 1970 at the Highfisch Commune. By strange coincidence, I’ve seen Peter Green perform twice….and both times were in Fife – Rothes Halls (Glenrothes) and the Glen Pavilion (Dunfermline).

*Check out the Almost Blue Festival in Dundee 28/29 June. Jordan & Hillis are playin’ @ Drouthys, 5pm Sat & The Jolly Judge, 7.30 Sunday – we might just head thru too

Talking of twice, this was actually the second time we’d listened to music in Greyfriars this week. Last Sunday night we heard Liam Clayton fae Embra perform mostly his own songs. Mrs.P & I both thoroughly enjoyed his performance. Again this was the 2nd time we’d seen him in Perth – last time he wis at the Green Room [see] He’s just finished a wee tour of central Scotland, and he’s now ready to fly Stateside to teach guitar to American kids. His rendition of 99 Red Balloons went down well with the Germans in the audience when he sang it in their language. Last night’s audience included some ladies from the British Virgin Islands, and some bikers from Bottinghausen (?) MC.


Live Music @ Greyfriars Bar, Perth

Greyfriars is a small bar, but that gives it an intimacy and a great atmosphere for the live music it puts on. – (what that means is, if you want a seat, get in early) Peter & Pauline should be applauded for their efforts in supporting live music in Perth, and providing a platform for performers. That’s a lot of P’s. Oh yeah, the toilets are upstairs.

Another happy thing this week – The Bearmobile passed it’s annual MOT test with NO faults or additional costs. OK for another year…yippee! This is important, because Mrs.P has been expanding her literary circle and last Sunday we took the A85 to Comrie so that she could introduce herself and meet the Booky Teuchters for the first time.

Dipping her toes into the inkwell of Perthshire literati…mmm, does that sound a wee bit pretentious? Anyhoo at the Royal Hotel she (&I) met Roy (the BT’s big cheese… mmm, food) and a friendly bunch of booky bods. Mrs.P wis worried beforehand in case they were going to be too highbrow and serious. The kind of folk who can spot a misplaced metaphor from 20yards in a dimly lit library. But no, the impression we got (see artists impression) was that they, and the Perth Scribblers (I think they’re only allowed crayons, … nothing sharp) who boosted the attendance, are a quiet informal, relaxed group. Mrs.P liked them so much she’s going to their next gathering in Dunfermline (I know, that’s over the county line into Fife…. Beyond Kelty even) Oh, thats kinda where we came in.


Booky Teuchters (& Perth Scribblers) @ Royal Hotel Comrie


COMRIE, Perthshire


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