T minus 333 and counting

On the way home from Tesco’s this afternoon we passed the Concert Hall and wormed our way through the delegates at the SNP Conference. Outside, an optimistic buzz of darksuits with yellow ribboned ID badges. Inside, unheard by us, Scotland’s political elite debating and sharing their proposals with the party faithful and the waiting world. Ah thought – Nice that Perth can be at the centre of events.


The meejah are here too. Hope mah interview doesn’t come across as too, em. .  impartial. . an’ ah widnae want tae ehm.., sound em, .. too Donald Dewar-y .. an’ ehm indecisive.

Hae a wee look . . (click here PRB_SNP)

T -333 ? – thats the number of days to the Independence Referendum on 18th September 2014

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