Putin a Lid on it.

On top of banning protests in or around Sochi during the Winter Olympics in February next year, I saw a BBC report this morning reporting that the organisers have also been busy storing last years snow, to ensure that the games can go ahead. So, we can freely state that Mrs.P and myself will be looking forward tae a cool wee break on the Black Sea to watch our cousins Wolodja and Tonja star for the Russian Bears downhill glissading team

Olympic Glissading

Olympic Glissading

I saw a recent article on Wolodja (from Bearlin, Germany) which suggests he’s mastered the art of diving, at the Jurgen Klinsmann Academy.

Speaking of Germans, it’s interesting to note that both the 1980 (East), and the 1941 teams to Russia, (which also included diving specialists), finished in the Silver medal position.


3 responses to “Putin a Lid on it.

    • Apologies for the delay Riley, you’re my first ‘approved’ since I started this Blog. So,em.. thanks for that
      I had no idea that anyone with such serious interest in world politics (I snuck a look at your blog) would find mine,
      (a) at all
      (b) worthy of comment

      On the subject of potential boycotts, I would like to take the naieve approach, which if everyone adhered to would work just fine.
      Keep politics out of sport is an ideal – No, it is THE ideal.

      Athletes dedicate years of hard training to perform at the pinnacle of their chosen sport. Striving to achieve goals within a brief timescale before age, injury or other lifestyle factors blunt their ‘edge’.
      [You might not believe it but in my day I was quite sporty. Now I struggle to keep in shape. (althouh Mrs.P assures me that round is still a shape]
      Personally, I wouldn’t advocate a boycott.
      Off-field debate will continue regardless, and all the views/opinions/arguments there are to be heard, will be made.
      As you also say, the Olympics is one of the few forums where the international community comes together. It’s core principles are still relevant and I think that means something (probably that I’m out of touch)

      A plus point though, for the 1980 boycott was that Alan Wells won ‘Gold’ for the 100metres. “c’mon Alan” We’ll never see that again.
      A plus point for a non-boycott of 2014, on top of the slippery sporty stuff, would be that Mrs.P gets her wee holiday, an’ can work on her tan by the Black Sea
      [see also ’50 shades of Bear’]

      • Agree fully. My uncle was a winter Paraolympian and a proud one at that. I know how hard he worked and to dismiss those early mornings, limbs in agony and years of being far from well-off, is simply irrational. I’ll check out 50 shades tomorrow, thanks!

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