BIG BEAR is coming

L.O.L. (Look Out London)

On Sunday 15th September, Aurora, the worlds largest Polar-Bear will be coming to central London.  The centre-piece of the parade – Aurora – aims to draw attention to Greenpeace’s ‘Save the Arctic‘ campaign; to end oil & gas exploration in the Arctic.

The 3-tonne mechanical polar bear will provide, according to Greenpeace action creator, Hannah Davey,  “.. a visual articulation of both the Arctic and the movement that wants to protect it. By hauling Aurora through the heart of London, we’re using the spirit of the Arctic to challenge companies like Shell on their home turf. The size of the bear speaks to the scale of the threat of climate change we’re facing globally, and the fact that she is entirely people-powered shows the strength of the movement.”

OK, as my first serious blog, I maybe should’ve opted for a slightly smaller, less contentious topic to raise. But, as a Polar Bear (albeit living in Scotland) I can’t ignore meaningful debate about the Arctic – my ancestral homeland. But who knows, one day I might go there – It’ll add credibility to the term polar-bear tourism, if nothing else.

I’m a Polar Bear, not a scientist, so I’ll apologise in advance if I voice my opinions in an uneducated & ill-informed manner. I could GRRRRowl, and say that all oil production or exploration is bad, and that it should all stop immediately. Realistically, it ain’t gonna happen. None of us reading this, myself included, live lives with no environmental or resource impacting effect. Even if we don’t all have cars, most of us commute to work using buses or trains, watch TV, use mobile phones (although smugly I don’t use one). The really smuggity ‘green’ self-sufficient folks you see on TV, have allotments or estates. The average bear in a 5th floor flat just can’t access that lifestyle – ditto solar panels, wind turbines, etc…

I don’t know if Aurora’s march will make any difference. I don’t see how it could have a detrimental effect. If it inspires 10 people to leave the limo and walk to work, that can only be a good thing

It’s taken more than a couple of centuries to get where we are now. We can’t undo the past, but we can try to influence the future (which may take another 200 years). We just need to ensure that Polar Bears and possibly Tigers, an Orang-Utans are looked after until the global environment returns to something more harmonious. If that means that all Polar Bears are given priority access to en-piste habitats in the Haute-Savoie with en-suite Jacuzzis well, so be it.

I’ll share more info & add more opinions as this blog finds its voice. I’m now going to retire to the Sweaty Oxter until any flak incurred as a result of this naive entry subsides

On a lighter octane level, future research could be directed into developing a biofuel using a blend of seagull (oily)* and wasp (agile), to extend the lifespan of current fossil fuel reserves. It’s a fact, nobody likes seagulls or wasps.

* if required, politicians, bankers and mobile-phone salesmen could be substituted as they exhibit similar lubricrating qualities, are over-abundant and wouldnae be missed.

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